
Costo Regulatorio: Efectos del plan regulador en precios de departamentos

Costo Regulatorio: Efectos del plan regulador en precios de departamentos

En las últimas décadas los precios de las viviendas han aumentado, posicionándose como uno de los principales gastos de las familias, tan......
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Do political parties matter for municipal finances? Evidence from property reassessments and estate taxes∗

Do political parties matter for municipal finances? Evidence from property reassessments and estate taxes∗

We evaluate whether political partisanship affects local taxes in an emerging economy. Using detailed residential property-level data in Chi......
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Playing checkers in Chinatown

Playing checkers in Chinatown

In 1905-1935, the city of Los Angeles bought the water and land rights of the Owens Valley farmers and built an aqueduct to transfer the wa......
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Removing the fine print: standardization, disclosure and consumer loan outcomes

Removing the fine print: standardization, disclosure and consumer loan outcomes

Consumers face a choice when evaluating financial contracts:  study the fine print and incur a cognitive cost or ignore it and risk costly ......
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On the geography of Inequality: Labor sorting and place-based policies in general equilibrium

On the geography of Inequality: Labor sorting and place-based policies in general equilibrium

We study how cities’ amenities and restrictions on the housing supply contribute to aggregate wage inequality and affect housing prices th......
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Agglomeration, coordination and corporate investment

Agglomeration, coordination and corporate investment

Firm agglomeration is positively correlated with productivity, and it exhibits significant heterogeneity across industries. Yet, the connect......
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Estimating the information component in switching costs: a estructural approach

Estimating the information component in switching costs: a estructural approach

We exploit a unique natural experiment to structurally estimate the information frictions associated with switching costs. Specifically, we ......
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